Friday, June 15, 2007

Ancient Rome

I love ancient Rome. That could be my entire post, because it is really that simple. But, for Dr. Cooperman's sake, just so he has to read more, I will try to add some additionl thoughts. I first saw the Colosseum on Saturday, but I did not enter it until Sunday. The building is very large. I mean, really really large. It must have held as many people as huge concert venues hold today. I guess that it was their form of entertainment. The tour guide said that the shows kept getting bigger and better, because they could not have the same show every week. The spectators would get bored, and I assume that the people running the games did not want thousands of angry Romans.

The name "Colosseum" is actually a nickname. At the time it was used, the Romans called it the Flavian Ampitheater. The Colosseum was a statue in the building. Every time a new Emporer came to power, he had his face sculpted onto the statue. Over the years, they melted down the staute to be used for other buildings. However, the name stuck, and that is why today, we call the Flavian Amphiteather the Colosseum.

I also enjoyed walking through the Roman Forum. I could almost imagine the goings on of Ancient Rome, with selling and buying of goods, with orators speaking from pedastels, and with people talking Latin to one another. I always enjoyed learning about Ancient Rome in school, and it was spectacular to finally step where Romans lived thousands of years ago. I saw the Senate building, where Julius Ceasar was stabbed. I saw the Pantheon, and I could not believe how massive it was. In a time where we are surrounded by large structures, it is quite an impressive feat when an ancient building looks even bigger.

Basically, I loved Rome. Yesterday I was talking to Adam about how the gladiator games were like the modern movies of Ancient Rome. He said it must have been horrific and bloody to see this kind of killing up close and in person. I agree, but I also would have really loved to see a game or two. It just seems like it would be exciting and horrible at the same time, making great entertainment.

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